$85 New Membership
$65 per year Renewal

Your KAIHAKA Membership entitles you to the following:
- Full exposure to up-and-coming activities and events organised by Te Atawhai Puumanawa;
- Membership Discounts as applicable to all activities and events organised by Te Atawhai Puumanawa;
- A further 5% Discount Off All Tickets, Fundraisers, Roopu Merchandise;
- Complimentary Roopu Polo/T-Shirt;
- All active members are covered by the Roopu public liability insurance;
- Eligible to attend, participate and vote in all scheduled meetings for Te Atawhai Puumanawa;
- Access to and opportunity to scrutinise all records held by Te Atawhai Puumanawa;
- Full access to all Te Atawhai Puumanawa documentation including Policies, Procedures, Forms and Work Methods and other relevant documents;
- Copies of Roopu publications including the Official Te Atawhai Puumanawa song book, and the Te Atawhai PuumanawaAnnual Calendar;
- Full 12 month active membership entitlements as a “Kaihaka/Performer” include, but are not limited to:
- Reduced local, National and International travel rate;
- Access to stand at competition performances;
- Competition words, music and choreography;
- Access To Soundcloud Files And Dropbox Files;
- Exclusive access to Te Atawhai Puumanawa Kaihaka and Te Atawhai Puumanawa whaanau Facebook pages;
- First look and dibs at any events and or fundraisers we are hosting or attending;
- Full access to Whakangahau Kaakahu and Whakangahau Videos.